Our friends in the Twin Cities
Our university-reworking friends worldwide
EduFactory: Conflicts and Transformations of the University
Micropolitics Research Group (Europe)
The Nonstop Liberal Arts Institute (Antioch, Ohio)
The Anomalous Wave in Italy
Emancipating Education for All // International Student Movement
Counter-Cartographies Collective *NEW* Check out 3Cs disOrientation2.0 Map of Global University Struggles
Coalition of Contingent Academic Labor (COCAL)
United Students Against Sweatshops
Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor
The Minnesota Review (a journal with issues on academic labor and the university)
Students Organizing United with Labor (SOUL - U. Chicago)
Radical Teacher
How the University Works (a blog with videos by Marc Bousquet)
For Student Power
Toimiva Yliopisto (University of Tampere)
Opiskelijatoiminta (autonomous student collective at the University of Helsinki)
Democracy Insurgent (University of Washington)
San Francisco Art Institute Action Group (Concerned Students and Alumni of SFAI)
University Occupations
occupy California (Santa Cruz, UCLA, Berkeley, others) // occupy UC-Irvine
The New School Reoccupied
Take Back NYU
Vienna Occupations (Freie Bildung) and Occupiers of the Arts University (in German) – A report in English on the occupations (from
Greece Unrest: the story so far - TPTG // Like a winter with a Thousand Decembers (reflections by TPTG, Blaumachen) // An Attempt to Detect the Power and Limits of our Struggles (Blaumachen) // More reports and essays on the Greece unrest
More Texts on University Occupations
‘Occupation: A Do-it-yourself Guide’ by the Imaginary Committee
Preoccupied: The Logic of Occupation by the Inoperative Committee (zine format)
University Occupations: France 1968, 2006, Greece, 2006, NYC 2008-9 by the Inoperative Committee
Communique from an Absent Future: On the Terminus of Student Life by Research and Destroy (Santa Cruz)
Essays on Militant Research
Harvie, David. “Commons and Communities in the University: Some Notes and Some Examples” (The Commoner #8, (Autumn/Winter 2004) -
Moten, Fred and Harney, Stefano. 2004. "The University and the Undercommons: Seven Theses" Social Text 22.2, pp. 101–115. -
Papadopoulos, Dimitris, and Stephenson, Niamh, and Tsianos, Vassilis. 2008. Escape Routes: Control and Subversion in the 21st Century (Ann Arbor, MI: Pluto Press). Three key chapters here:
Shukaitis, Stevphen. 2009a. "Infrapolitics and the Nomadic Educational Machine." in Contemporary Anarchist Studies: An Introduction to Anarchy in the Academy, edited by Randall Amster et al. (New York: Routledge).
Shukaitis, Stevphen. 2009b. Imaginal Machines: Compositions of Autonomy & Self-Organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life (New York: Autonomedia) [download the full book here: ]
Hearn, Alison. 2010. “Exploits in the Undercommons,” in Newson and Polster, eds, ACADEMIC CALLINGS:The University We Have Had, Now Have, and Could Have.
Militant research collectives/projects
Carrotworkers’ Collective (London)
Counter-Cartographies Collective (NC)
Collectif de recherhe sur l’autonmie collective
CUNY Institute for Participatory Action Research (NYC)
Generation Precaire (France)
Greenpepper Magazine (Netherlands)
Institute for Infinitely Small Things
MigMap: a virtual cartography of European migration policies
Essays on the University and the Undercommons
Colectivo Situaciones’ essays on the background of militant research – Part 1 – Part 2
This Is Forever’s seminar on militant research (with a thorough reading list)
Colectivo Situaciones’ essay on ‘the researcher-militant’
More essays from an issue of Transversal
Essays on the university by our participants
Hearn, Alison. 2003. Interdisciplinarity / Extradisciplinarity: On the University and the Active Pursuit of Community. History of Intellectual Culture, 3(1).
Hearn, Alison. Corporate U. Thrives on Alienated Scholars
Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) Bulletin.